
Adventures with Megan and Luke: The Squirrels

Two weeks before the wedding. M & L came over for dinner. When they arrived at our house, they found us standing under our tree holding a towel between us. We were trying to catch the baby squirrel who was about to fall out of its nest. To make a long LONG story slightly shorter, at 10 PM that night we had rigged up a large pole and Luke and Doug were alternating on the ladder trying to knock down the nest while Megan and I held a sheet. We miraculously caught the nest and found not 1 but 2 baby squirrels: Epil and Spaz. The story has a tragic end with Epil dying the next day and Spaz dying the following Wednesday. Both of their parents and one sibling had died earlier that weekend of unknown causes, so they may have been ill already or they may have been separated from their mom too long before we got them. Baby squirrels are very cute.

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Rebekah said...

So when Luke and Megan got there, the baby squirrel was "about to fall out of the tree," and hours later you were trying to knock the nest out of the tree?

Rachel said...

Yeah it was wandering around the edge of the nest crying but never fell (we did leave the towel between two chairs in a futile effort to catch it).

Anonymous said...

somehow, i am not surprised...

although this is a more dramatic animal rescue than the incidents of baby-rat rearing that i've been party to! i'm sorry to hear they died. just think, you could be moving baby squirrels w/ everything else!

ajh said...

Probably it was "Squirrel Flu" that got them. I hear that it is on the rise in the Carolinas these days.