
Seven Swans a-swimming

Okay, I think there was only one swan a-swimming....but it looked like a swan in the ocean which was a little weird. It is actually just a swan in Lake Ontario.
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Anonymous said...

wow; i'm surprised by how strange your photo looks! i guess the combination of swans and ocean (even lake ontario) waves is pretty unusual.

there were a lot of swans on the canal in my berlin neighborhood this summer. one of the students in my language class had never seen a swan before in his life! (red-blooded american, too). could have knocked me over w/ a feather =) haha.

Rachel said...

How can you never have seen a swan?? I am not sure where they are native too though- maybe not the West? or South?

Anonymous said...

that was my question! sunny california, evidently...

Rachel said...

there is a swan species in CA- I looked it up yesterday. Maybe it is not found in all parts of CA.