
The bride-to-be

Before I comment on this picture, I would like to mention that while Rebekah was in Charleston, we celebrated the 4th of July with her and Luke Ulrich and his girlfriend Megan Preble. Luke had the enthusiasm of a small child at Christmas because fireworks are legal in SC and not in GA. He and Megan brought a ton of fireworks and while Rebekah and I cowered behind cars we had a practically professional pyrotechnics display in our front yard. You would not believe what they sell to ordinary people to shoot off themselves! We had a grand time and I even lit 2 fireworks myself! Rebekah also lit some and we concluded it was the most exciting fireworks display we have ever been to, perhaps just because of the proximity. I was tempted to make everyone watch a video I have on how fireworks are made, but Megan had to work the next day.

Anyway, back to the wedding, this is a picture of the lovely bride-to-be, calm and relaxed just hours before her wedding. Mindy was a beautiful bride even in her shorts and shirt. We bridemaids had fun at the beauty shop. The hairdresser was one of Mindy's patient's wives (I think his only wife but I am not sure how to word that). He stopped by with a breakfast pizza for Mindy and all of us. She has quite an impact on her patient's lives. Not that that is a surprise, but a good reminder of why she is my friend too.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing, rachel! it's a treat to see some of the behind-the-scenes. mindy looks quite elegant just in the white collared shirt! so, mindy, how many pins were in your hair???