
Micro's room

Doug has worked hard to finish Micro's room. He painted the chalkboard wall and made the frame to make it look like an aquarium and painted the starfish and fish border. I had trouble getting a good picture of it with the sunshine coming through the windows...2 weeks and 3 days!


Unknown said...

I first read that as "the submarine coming through the windows" and I was impressed even more. However, sunshine coming in is a good thing. The room looks great!

Dawn said...

I know I already commented on facebook, but I LOVE the room! You guys did a great job being creative with the chalkboard and everything else...now I can see that the hanging thing is a sting ray (I think, but please correct me if I am wrong!). So fun!!

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, it's a dolphin kite, right?

Rachel said...

It is a dolphin kite- my Aunt Susan gave it to me as a graduation present- from high school I think....