
Aunt Mindy in Action

On our way home from our Philly Houghton reunion, we stopped to see one of my high school friends and her family who happen to be one of my college roommate's in-laws since she married my high school friend's brother (who was also a high school friend). Got that all? Here Mindy reads to her niece and nephew about the wheels on the bus (which go round and round).
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Chipmunk cheeks

Tamias striatus came to our patio the other day. Though we have seen them in the woods, I hadn't seen one so close to the house yet. Luckily, Daru did not see it. Those spry little guys make her crazier than squirrels. I failed to get a great picture of its bulging cheeks which were making me laugh. It was just too fast. Some people in my family have chipmunk like cheeks when we smile. Rebekah and I had a friend who called us "Cheeky Weeky" and "Puffy Wuffy" (respectively) because of our chunky cheeks.
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