
A series of unfortunate events

You can see here a timeline of recent events at our house (okay a month or so ago). We purchased a new storm door at Home Depot- a story in itself! Who knew you could bargain at Home Depot? The door would have cost over $300 but we got it for $100! Anyway, we took the old one off, and started to put the new one up. 4 hours later we were at the emergency room for Doug to get stitched up and a week later he took his own stitches out. Yesterday, he and his dad finished the door by putting the closers on. Right now they are fixing some screens while his mom washes windows and me? I am working on school work....really I am! I realize our blog does make visiting seem awful (getting shots, doing repairwork and cleaning) but I promise it can be fun! Our days in SC are numbered so don't miss your chance!

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Anonymous said...


But what happened? Doug, what did you do to yourself the first time around (before demonstrating that you can take your own stitches out)?

Anonymous said...

I am curious what other medical procedures Doug is able to perform on himself?