
The White Coat

Here is Doug getting "coated". The coater was one of his profs- I can't remember what he taught. He is actually not wearing his coat in his first rotation, but he probably will in his next one.

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Dave and Melissa said...

Congratulations Doug! I think I only wore my white coat in two of my rotations. Now I have to wear one, but its a bit longer and quite dirty actually! Keep up the good work. Looking forward to welcoming you to the grand fold of the PA profession in a few months!


Rachel said...

So you do wear a long coat Dave? Someone told me PAs never did and that told you apart from physicians, but I thought the short coat was for training....

Dave and Melissa said...

Short coat for training (even med students have a short coat), then its sort of up to the hospital or practice. But most places consider you part of the medical staff so you wear the longer coat. Either way, its just annoying except for being able to carry reference guides in the pockets (and candy too).

Anonymous said...

congrats doug!!!

and to the photographer; rachel (i assume), this is a great shot to commemorate the occasion.

Anonymous said...

You go Doug!

Anonymous said...

congrats doug!