
Are you a Rebel or a Yankee?

This is an interesting quiz about your speech patterns. My brother-in-law heard about it on NPR and my sister sent it to us. My dad who grew up in West Virginia was the least Dixie in his speech and my mom who grew up in Arizona and Pennsylvania was the most. It has a lot of interesting information on how language is different across the US. Doug and I were both 40% Dixie (although our answers were different), so we are definitely Yankees. Let us know how you do.



Anonymous said...

I got 44% Dixie, "Barely in Yankeedom." However, I have heard that Lancaster accents (not including the strongly PA Dutch) are pretty generic; we come as close as you can get to the vowel sounds as pronounced by news anchors in the national news. Don't ask me where I got that info.; I couldn't tell you!!!

I suppose I protest at the Dixie percentage because I have never had the opportunity to dwell further south than Virginia, if you count summer vacations at the beach...

Anonymous said...

35% dixie

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

I am only 29% Dixie. How'd Nancy get so Dixie? Only those bugs are called potato bugs and that wasn't a choice.

-Aunt Susan

Anonymous said...

I am 31% Dixie and it's a potato bug.

Rachel said...

Potato bugs? I call them roly polys or maybe pill bugs. I don't know if I have ever heard potato bug?

Also, how do you say pecan? Rebekah and I have decided our family's pronunciation is a hybrid. It is not actually in the dictionary....

Anonymous said...


do you say 'pecan' the way you say 'ancient'? ;)

Rachel said...

No =) I think that may just be my immediate family (the females), but I am working on that problem!

How does your fam say pecan?

Anonymous said...

pecan = pea con

Anonymous said...

28% Dixie for me.

Anonymous said...

I came out 26% Dixie. New Yorker through and through I guess, and raised in Michigan until I was 5. =)