
Bird watching

Daru and Kina both like to look at the window to see what is going on in the wide world of the backyard. It is usually not too exciting, unless a squirrel (they must have no long term memory) ventures into the yard.

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Bizarre traditions

My family has several odd Christmas traditions, including putting on all of the clothes you get for Christmas at one time. We are not sure of the origin of this one, but it started when I was about 10. This year, the girls did not get any clothes to model, but the boys did. I think they are trying to look gangsta here.

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The Graham Fam

Self-explanatory I think- except for Steve....

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More Christmas portraits

Matthew had a lot of fun this Christmas and he definitely entertained us! Here he is with Robin and Steve. My one picture of his cheesy smile is too blurry.

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Here is Daru in front of Doug's parents's Christmas tree....She was very cooperative about wearing a bow once she forgot it was on.

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Life on the road

In our many hours of travel, we sought to entertain ourselves various ways: books on tape, fruit roll-up tongue tatoos, Christmas music, conversation, and taking pictures of road signs. I was not thinking clearly enough to get a picture of the Mason-Dixon line sign (either time we crossed it!), but we did snap a picture of the Preble sign for our friend Megan P. and a picture of the health facility sign for my sister and her "odd fellow" (this is apparently a chain of health facilities since there is one near where my parents lived in MI.). I am not sure who you send there!

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Adam and Kim had their baby December 11th. She has a lot more hair than your average kid.

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Thanksgiving at the beach

The waves, the sand, the sunshine.....oops is that the moon?

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So we're a few holidays behind...

I know some of you have found it hard to go on without an update in almost a month....This is the first time I have downloaded pics since Thanksgiving, so I am just a little behind. My parents came for Thanksgiving and we had our 3rd annual Thanksgiving beach picnic, except we went the day after Thanksgiving because it was (gasp!) too cold on Thanksgiving (and my dad didn't feel great). We saw a nice sunset and had all the Thanksgiving staples in some form.

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